Multibranch Pipeline support for GitLab SCM
This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to |
Goal: Add Multibranch Pipeline support for GitLab SCM private and SaaS instances so that Jenkins can automatically build branches and pull requests with Jenkinsfile
Status: Completed
Parichay Barpanda
Marky Jackson
Justin Harringa
Joseph Petersen
Currently GitLab Plugin does not support Multibranch Pipeline jobs. The underlying API does not implement calls to fetch Merge Requests during builds. Other problems with this plugin is doesn’t follow conventional SCM plugin design, doesn’t support folder org, doesn’t have separate api plugin etc. So this project is about solving issues with the GitLab Jenkins Integration by improving the current GitLab Plugin and creating separate plugins for GitLab Api and GitLab Branch Source. One stretch goal is to add GitLab Pipeline support for Blueocean.
No folder organisation support for GitLab
No Multibranch Pipeline Job support for GitLab
GitLab APIs currently used does not have all GitLab APIs features and limits the scope of future expansion
GitLab Plugin does not follow convention of SCM Plugins i.e. 3 separate plugins for api, build and branch Source
GitLab Plugin also does not leverage new SCM trait APIs, some features like auto-management of webhooks, password authentication are missing
No Pipeline Support for GitLab in Blueocean while GitHub and BitBucket are supported
[NEW] GitLab Api Plugin that wraps new GitLab Java Api repository which is actively maintained and has almost all GitLab Apis support
[NEW] GitLab Branch Source Plugin that supports Branch Source Functionality like Github BS, Bitbucket BS etc
[IMPROVED] GitLab Plugin that is lightweight and provides build triggers, web hooks management and other API support
[NEW] Pipeline Support for GitLab in Blueocean
For more details, see this Google Doc - Proposal
Evaluation Phase 1
Complete implementation with documentation and plugin release of
GitLab API Plugin
that wraps the gitlab4j-api into a plugin -
Implementation of GitLab Server Configuration in
GitLab Branch Source Plugin
with JCasC support. The implementation was done inside the plugin to support newGitLab API Plugin
and also use Java 8 streams.-
GitLab Personal Access Token Creator
Allows duplicate GitLab server entries with unique id
Supports GitLab Server versions above 11.0
Configure server via yaml (JCasC)
Supports GitLab API Plugin - abstracts api calls
Supports incremental tools - check if PRs work with downstream plugins
Supports Maven Checkstyle Plugin - enforces good coding style
Java 8 compatibility - streams API
Jenkins version - 2.150.3
3 enhancement and fix release
Repo -
Evaluation Phase 2
Implementation of Branch Source part of
GitLab Branch Source Plugin
with Multibranch Pipeline and Folder Organization support.-
Checkout credentials to checkout over SSH/HTTPS
Groups/Subgroups support
Webhooks Support
Pipeline Status Notifier
Skip Notification - Doesn’t notify GitLab about pipeline status [Trait]
WebHook Mode - Override default webhook management mode [Trait]
Checkout Over SSH - Use this mode to checkout over ssh [Trait]
Tag Discovery - Discover tags in the repository [Trait]
Reduced API Calls
2 Alpha releases
Repo -
Wiki -
Evaluation Phase 3
Improvements to GitLab Branch Source Plugin, lots of improvements including major bugs fixes. Complete documentation in the repository documents.
Web hook events trigger for Push/Merge Request/Tag Events fixed
Trusted Permission Strategy for MRs from forked projects
Add support for System Hooks to detect newly created projects
Add symbols to discovery traits for JCasC support
Merge Requests web hook trigger fix
Trigger Merge Request with comment trait
Log build status as comment trait
3 beta releases and 1 GA release